Mind Droppings Blog

Be Someone's Hero

Over the next few days, be someone's hero.

One day, I decided to look for ways to be someone's hero.  I was traveling, so there were plenty of people around me.  I found three different moments where I was a helping hand to three different strangers.  My favorite heroic deed was stopping a fast opening door from hitting a little girl.  If I hadn't been keeping an eye out for people in need of a hero, I doubt that I would have seen and reacted to that opening door in time.

Can't you just picture me with my hands on my waist and with my scarf and hair blowing in the wind?

The two people who knew that I helped them have long since forgotten me.  The little girl never knew I was there, but I'll never forget how good it felt to be there for them.  

Now it's a habit for me to notice people who may need a simple, every day hero.  I just wish I could find one of those big, shiny hammers like Thor has!  Maybe on eBay.