Mind Droppings Blog

Coping with Overwhelm

One of my chronic challenges in life is coping with overwhelm.  I tend to take on a lot of goals and challenges and so do my kids.  Although this makes for an exciting and dynamic life, the "to dos" often pile up to overwhelming levels.  Then it's difficult to get anything done.  In this issue of Mind Droppings, I take on the goal and challenge of dealing with overwhelm by providing four simple yet key strategies you can start implementing today!

Dealing with Overwhelming Amounts of To Do's

When things pile up, we tend to get bogged down.  A simple walk through your home or office can be like taking a tour of unfinished projects and to dos.  It can really zap your energy and focus!  Here are strategies I recommend to help:


Call time out. 

Leave the space in which you feel overwhelmed and get a breath of fresh (non-smoke-filled) air.  This breaks the pattern and allows you to work out what to do next.  Before you go back in, decide what specific thing you will do first.  This is especially effective when everyone in the family or office needs something now.  Call time out and ask them to give you a moment to catch up.

Get some little things out of the way. 

Overwhelm is created by too many inputs or priorities demanding your attention all at once.  Reduce that number by getting simple tasks out of the way before taking on bigger projects - especially those tasks that require thought work!

Clear the clutter. 

Clutter can be papers, toys, radio or TV, lists, animals, kids, etc, etc..  There is visual clutter, auditory clutter, and even kinesthetic clutter (physical or emotional feelings).

Divide and conquer. 

Break big tasks or projects down into simple little to dos and do them one at a time.  If your goal is to clean off your desk or clean up a room, divide that area into smaller spaces and clean one corner or section at a time.