Mind Droppings Blog

Springtime Renewal!

Spring is a wonderful time of the year!  It is a time for renewal and a time for getting started on overdue projects!

Three simple reasons for procrastination and how to solve them:

1.  It's just tedious or boring compared to other things.

Do this:  Using a kitchen timer or timer on your phone, commit to 5 to 7 minutes of the activity.  At the end of that time, you will either be into the groove, or you can take a short break.  Then do another 5 to 7 minutes.

2.  There's one part of the project you don't want to do.

If you can, do that part first and get it out of the way.  Otherwise, divide and conquer.  Get done as much as you can while thinking of why that one part is so daunting.  Perhaps the solution will come to you along the way.  Maybe there's a way to work around it.  Or maybe you have to get your timer out again.

3.  You don't know how to do some part of it.

If you don't know how to do all or part of what you need to do, or you can't decide how to handle something, divide that part into it's own sub-project and list the questions you need to have answered either by you or by someone who can help you.  I also recommend you give your unconscious mind the assignment to figure it out over a period of hours or a day or two.  You will be amazed how much clearer things can be when you come back to them!

Often the best solution is to keep dividing the task into tinier steps until you find it easy to sail along through the deed.

If fear, attention deficit issues or feelings of overwhelm are holding you back - or if procrastination is a chronic issue for you, I recommend you contact me to explore the ways in which I can help.


See also:  "Coping with Overwhelm"

Learn All About Hypnosis!

St. Louis will play host to a hypnosis conference designed for YOU (and the rest of the public) to attend and learn many different ways in which hypnosis can enrich your life!  You can even learn techniques for self-hypnosis!  Click on the image below to learn more:

I will be speaking in three different sessions at the Heartland Hypnosis Conference!  Two of my sessions are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!

I will be speaking in three different sessions at the Heartland Hypnosis Conference!  Two of my sessions are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!