Mind Droppings Blog

One of My Favorite Moments in the Living Lite Class Ever!

One of my favorite moments in our LivingLite Weight Loss Class happened just this last Sunday!
We often have "alumni" come back for a refresher or because it's the only way they can get loved ones to attend.

During the break, a woman came up to me and said she was so happy to see us again. She had lost 32 pounds since she first attended the class, and "it was so easy!" I asked her if I could mention her story to the rest of the class for inspiration, and of course she agreed.

When I introduced this woman and told her story, a second aluma in the class spoke up and said it was her first time back after losing 64 pounds since last July!

Every time I hear stories from the people we've helped, it always brings a tear to my eye. Thanks to both of you for sharing your success and inspiring others!