LLWL Testimonials

Enjoy these amazing success stories from
Keith's LivingLite Hypnosis Weight Loss Class!

See also success stories from private sessions with Keith.  Click here.

It is hard to believe that it has been 2 years since that hypnosis class. Although maybe not that hard to believe after all, since the changes have been so subtle until I look back over this time. I have lost about 45 lbs. I took up weight lifting and running on a treadmill about 7 months ago. I feel better than I have in my entire adult life.
— Joel V.
My husband and I came to your weight loss class in Kirkwood two weeks ago today. I am ecstatic to report that I have lost a total of six pounds already. Your techniques made me so aware of how much I was eating and not even enjoying it. Just eating slower and putting my fork down between bites has made a huge difference. I actually like taking FIRST bites of things instead of stuffing food in. Wish I would have found you years ago. THANX so much.
— Kathi V.
I came to your class the evening of January 30th. Your class was life changing. So far I have lost over 30 pounds, and still shedding off weight off daily. The most inspiring thing that happened to me during your class was the conversation I has with my fat suit once I unzipped it, step out of it and set on fire.
I find myself daily thinking about that conversation I had with my fat suit which really enforces the healthy way I eat for my ideal body. I use my stress technique all the time and it works perfectly. I love you for what you do.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
— Melanie H.
I was happy with the experience. I’ve always been curious about being hypnotized for a specific problem (like weight), now I know and understand how it works. I also liked the fact that there were no guarantees promised and that I also had to do my part. This made the whole experience more legit to me. I bought 8 cd’s that I am looking forward to listening to. Thank you.
— Diane J.
Thank you Keith..We really enjoyed the session in Earth City. So So much valuable information that I can apply in my daily life. One problem..the time flew by so quickly.
— Deb P.
Keith, I just wanted to say Thank You. I was at your seminar on July 22 2013. Since that time I have dropped 45-50 pounds and am so excited to lose more. I cannot wait to see what happens in the next couple of months.

My sister, although still wonders if she was under hypnosis is not snacking on junk constantly already and is convince that you helped with this. Yea! Another true believer!!!!
— Mary B.
Hey I wanted to tell you I enjoyed your class. I don’t have a lot of weight I want to lose, but I’m looking for a better relationship with food and to pass that along to my kids. I also needed the relaxation skills. As my teenage daughter put my patience to the test this week, I didn’t get nearly as spazzed out. I’ve already lost 1.5 lbs (almost all fat) with 6.5 to go :)
— Gretchen B.
Keith just an update on my weight loss since attending your show. I have lost 20 pounds and I have started exercising at the gym and went cold turkey on coca-cola. I used to have to have one every morning and I would usually have one with lunch or supper. I have a tremendous amount of stress that I am dealing with and used to eat all kinds of chocolate, chips. In fact they called me snack pack at work. Everybody is amazed at my progress. They have asked me what I have done and I think a huge part of my success is your hypnosis.
— Tracy P.
I enjoyed the session in Riverport. Your personality made it very relaxing and entertaining.
— Sue Z.